Dynamics 365 is the fastest growing ERP/CRM architecture on the market. Find out every tip, trick, and answer you need to make this truly "dynamic" ...


Microsoft PowerApps are changing how we think of modern business applications. Learn how the Power Platform can revolutionize your organization ...


Salesforce.com is the most dominant CRM software in terms of market share. Understand all you need to know about it to make this a part of your team ...


You cannot say "CRM" without a world of other tools coming to mind. Discover how these software packaages put the icing on the cake of your setup ...



New Horizons

The technology revolution has brought about incredible changes in how we do business. Unfortunately, with the flood of options of available, knowing what technology is part of your personal and business revolution can be tricky.

Auxiliary Force Technology is dedicated to educating for a better horizon!

Auxiliary Force Technology

  • Experience spanning over 24 years.
  • Success in multiple industries (including professional sports, Federal government, manufacturing, and more).
  • Mastery of technology-related product usage.
  • Expertise in CRM software integration.
  • Creative and plain-spoken solutions.
  • Custom code for unique solutions.
  • Full lifecycle certification, Dynamics CRM and Salesforce.com.


With over a generation of experience, the time for offering something special to the CRM community seemed less of a choice and more of an obligation.

Auxiliary Force Technology was created on that obligation. An obligation to help users with adoption, help adopters grow their use, and help everyone else learn how CRM can make their lives better!

"The CRM market is expected to reach year-over-year growth levels exceeding 85% by 2024."

-Business Today, 2018